Bagel Bin Phase 2

Search Advertising, Video Advertising, New Website/Ordering Platform

New Website/Ordering Platform

While Bagel Bin & Hoagie House had a solid website, Mustard Pretzel worked to transition them to a more cost effective solution utilizing their Point Of Sale system (Square). The new website was designed to better showcase their in-store brand and materials, tying the brick-and-mortar and digital experiences to one another. By working with their POS, the new ordering platform streamlines the ordering and fulfillment process for greater efficiency and a better user experience. The new platform includes pictures of all items as well as better descriptions of the products.

Transitioning to the new website was seamless. Sales remained on par for the first two weeks and subsequently increased over 15% over the next two months. The new implementation of the site and ordering platform was connected to Google’s Analytics and Advertising platforms in order to better optimize eCommerce in the future.

Reports from customers were overwhelmingly positive.

Search Advertising

Search Advertising is imperative for success in 2023. Two campaigns were implemented for The Bagel Bin, one optimized to find new customers (reach), and a second which uses Google’s algorithms to find people who are most likely to make a purchase. This strategy was used to bolster both online sales as well as in-store traffic.

With limited budgets, the search campaigns are attributed for 25% of site traffic. Those 25% of visitors accounted for 34% of sales online. It’s difficult to determine what the impact of search advertising was on in-store sales.

Video Advertising

While search advertising is the best tool to capture customers who are close to the point of making a purchase decision, the strategy implemented for Bagel Bin was to cast a broad net to find customers who didn’t know about their business.

Video advertising is a remarkable tool to drive brand awareness. A short campaign was created to cover their locality and geared to a demographic the creative itself would resonate with.

The video campaign ran on YouTube and their subsidiary network and was targeted to only show on TVs and Mobile devices as it was determined to have the most captive audience. Furthermore, frequency capping was implemented in order to prevent negative sentiment towards the brand and creative.

The video was seen over 38k times; and based on frequency caps, more than 10k people.